In the beginning I wanted to blend in the photos from my first digital cameras in a sort of non chronological journal. However I only managed to send out texts and references ... not the slightest photo during these last four years. Now four years later I only seem to be able to publish photos and images and texting is more difficult ... to realize ... ... The easy thing is referencing ... "Approaching" and "A Certain Point of View" are my own identities.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Merce Cunningham, l'homme qui a réinventé la danse
Le Figaro
«Plutôt que de tâtonner en assemblant les choses et de s'estimer au final insatisfait, il vaut mieux s'en remettre au hasard. En plus, c'est un moyen de faire apparaître des combinaisons auxquelles on n'aurait pas pensé. En fait, je crois que le hasard rend les idées plus claires et ouvre l'imagination»
«La danse ne vous donne rien en retour, ni manuscrit à vendre, ni peinture à mettre sur les murs, ni poème à imprimer, rien que cette sensation unique de se sentir vivant»
Surnommé l'"Einstein" de la danse, Cunningham a dynamité dès les années 50 les codes du ballet : le danseur ne se déplace plus en fonction du centre de la scène, il est lui-même un centre. "Au contraire du danseur classique, j'estime tous les mouvements possibles", expliquait-il.
"El azar siempre ha sido esencial. A veces no he podido tomar decisiones y he optado por tirar una moneda al aire y seguir lo que ella ha dicho. Es liberador, porque al dejar que sea otra cosa la que decide por ti, tu vida entra en caminos inesperados".
En 1955, Merce escribía en Impermanent art: "La devoción por la danza es un instantáneo y agradable acto de vida".
It took many years before Mr. Cunningham achieved celebrity as an independent choreographer. Perhaps this long period of relative obscurity allowed him to experiment. Like Cage and other composers, as well as several painters, he began to play with chance as a compositional tool. He used the I-Ching in particular, but other chance methods, too, like cards and dice, to determine which parts of the body would be used, which directions, what parts of the stage, how many dancers. The point had nothing to do with improvisation; Cunningham choreography was very precisely made. Rather, he wanted to banish predictable compositional habits.
The I-Ching is the Book of Changes, and Mr. Cunningham’s choreography became an expression of the nature of change itself. He altered images onstage without narrative sequence or psychological causation, and the audience was allowed to watch dance as one might watch successive events in a landscape or on a street corner.
Though his choreography often featured qualities of attack and conflict, it also expressed a Zen kind of acceptance. Mr. Cunningham had always been a superlative dance soloist, but he created a dance theater in which the basic condition was soloism. Even in a duet or a trio, each dancer retained marked degrees of independence and detachment; ensembles often showed three or more different dance activities co-existing onstage; and solos revealing individuality and self-discovery abounded.
«Plutôt que de tâtonner en assemblant les choses et de s'estimer au final insatisfait, il vaut mieux s'en remettre au hasard. En plus, c'est un moyen de faire apparaître des combinaisons auxquelles on n'aurait pas pensé. En fait, je crois que le hasard rend les idées plus claires et ouvre l'imagination»
«La danse ne vous donne rien en retour, ni manuscrit à vendre, ni peinture à mettre sur les murs, ni poème à imprimer, rien que cette sensation unique de se sentir vivant»
Surnommé l'"Einstein" de la danse, Cunningham a dynamité dès les années 50 les codes du ballet : le danseur ne se déplace plus en fonction du centre de la scène, il est lui-même un centre. "Au contraire du danseur classique, j'estime tous les mouvements possibles", expliquait-il.
"El azar siempre ha sido esencial. A veces no he podido tomar decisiones y he optado por tirar una moneda al aire y seguir lo que ella ha dicho. Es liberador, porque al dejar que sea otra cosa la que decide por ti, tu vida entra en caminos inesperados".
En 1955, Merce escribía en Impermanent art: "La devoción por la danza es un instantáneo y agradable acto de vida".
It took many years before Mr. Cunningham achieved celebrity as an independent choreographer. Perhaps this long period of relative obscurity allowed him to experiment. Like Cage and other composers, as well as several painters, he began to play with chance as a compositional tool. He used the I-Ching in particular, but other chance methods, too, like cards and dice, to determine which parts of the body would be used, which directions, what parts of the stage, how many dancers. The point had nothing to do with improvisation; Cunningham choreography was very precisely made. Rather, he wanted to banish predictable compositional habits.
The I-Ching is the Book of Changes, and Mr. Cunningham’s choreography became an expression of the nature of change itself. He altered images onstage without narrative sequence or psychological causation, and the audience was allowed to watch dance as one might watch successive events in a landscape or on a street corner.
Though his choreography often featured qualities of attack and conflict, it also expressed a Zen kind of acceptance. Mr. Cunningham had always been a superlative dance soloist, but he created a dance theater in which the basic condition was soloism. Even in a duet or a trio, each dancer retained marked degrees of independence and detachment; ensembles often showed three or more different dance activities co-existing onstage; and solos revealing individuality and self-discovery abounded.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Friday, July 17, 2009
Thursday, July 16, 2009 | José-Manuel Barroso divise les eurodéputés José-Manuel Barroso divise les eurodéputés
Je pense que Barroso a fait son temps, ne remplissez pas le portemonnaie de Blair, prenez quelqu'un de plus écologique pourquoi pas du Nord et de la Suède. Même si je suis dupe peut-être, je soutiens une candidature de la vice-présidente suédoise, car elle présente d'autres perspectives.
Je pense que Barroso a fait son temps, ne remplissez pas le portemonnaie de Blair, prenez quelqu'un de plus écologique pourquoi pas du Nord et de la Suède. Même si je suis dupe peut-être, je soutiens une candidature de la vice-présidente suédoise, car elle présente d'autres perspectives.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Hallados 15 cadáveres en una carretera mexicana
Who wants to go there ? I did despite of the flu-I wanted to work in a photography course in Mexico.
Le Figaro - Photos : Le défilé du 14 Juillet en images
... supermarkets stayed open and people had to work, not really the national holiday for everybody ...
Friday, July 10, 2009
Thursday, July 09, 2009
«Nessuno sarà lasciato indietro»
Berlusconi has a good sense of communication, "et en dépit de ses frasques il a communiqué avec éfficacité un sens du chaos et des catastrophes qui peuvent se produire partout aujourd'hui. C'est un homme qui n'est pas ridicule." He is theatrical, but he is doing what he can. He knows how to improvize and organize efficiently. "C'est un atout" and not unhealthy. It is not on the mind of the leaders to see, nevertheless for once they have to look, and for some it will only be the picture book ... or asking for more funds ....
In my opinion a politician cannot make any promises. Act responsibly and make sure that all are included without having to belong to a pressure group or a self-defending interest group. "Le paradis en quelque sorte..."
In my opinion a politician cannot make any promises. Act responsibly and make sure that all are included without having to belong to a pressure group or a self-defending interest group. "Le paradis en quelque sorte..."
Thursday, July 02, 2009
Wednesday, July 01, 2009
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