Par exemple : Arts et culture
Chef de projet sur site (bamako - mali) (h/f)
Photographe (h/f)
Un ou des artistes (h/f)
Chargé de projet fêtes des lumières (h/f)
La vente YSL-Bergé a rapporté 373,5 millions d'euros
Vente YSL-Bergé :qui sont les acheteurs ?
Artistas y coleccionistas empeñan obra en tiempos de crisis
Mente y máquina se fusionan
Las dos poblaciones de osos se buscan en España
Caos en Bangladesh por un motín
Piloten von Instrumententafel erschlagen
Il gabbiano ammacca l'aereo: paura a Napoli
Obama chiude la guerra in Iraq e apre quella a Wall Street
In the beginning I wanted to blend in the photos from my first digital cameras in a sort of non chronological journal. However I only managed to send out texts and references ... not the slightest photo during these last four years. Now four years later I only seem to be able to publish photos and images and texting is more difficult ... to realize ... ... The easy thing is referencing ... "Approaching" and "A Certain Point of View" are my own identities.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
I buy less and less
Whatever I buy can be Swiss or French, but I love my Swiss products when I buy them and I enjoy buying in France from time to time. Years ago shops closed at 18.30 in Switzerland and at 19.00 in France. At that time I was working in Geneva and I often left work after 18.00, therefore I was obliged to buy in France. I bought in France by necessity and I enjoyed the French products I bought. I developped my preferences. Now I buy less and less, but I have preferences.
The Swiss have a better system, the French have sometimes better products, but it is so difficult to do justice to everybody.
I could do without Migros more than I could do without Coop. Coop connects, Migros has lost values and is more and more expensive for no better products ... and higher prices ...
(Unkind or not, I hate to say that in my opinion Migros doesn't make the difference anymore ...) and in some cases employees lack the most elementary politeness : Migros Nyon, Champion Divonne, less so in the Coop branches. I imagine they earn less and less and you can't blame them for coping with consumers all day long. Years ago Migros and Coop had about the worst employees anybody could have wanted, but their branches in some of the German speaking areas were excellent in all respects (products, service etc.).
I hate say that I also can't buy anything anymore ...
The Swiss have a better system, the French have sometimes better products, but it is so difficult to do justice to everybody.
I could do without Migros more than I could do without Coop. Coop connects, Migros has lost values and is more and more expensive for no better products ... and higher prices ...
(Unkind or not, I hate to say that in my opinion Migros doesn't make the difference anymore ...) and in some cases employees lack the most elementary politeness : Migros Nyon, Champion Divonne, less so in the Coop branches. I imagine they earn less and less and you can't blame them for coping with consumers all day long. Years ago Migros and Coop had about the worst employees anybody could have wanted, but their branches in some of the German speaking areas were excellent in all respects (products, service etc.).
I hate say that I also can't buy anything anymore ...
Friday, February 20, 2009
La tentation de Venise
La tentation de Venise c'est ce rêve de vie pas forcément inaccessible mais qu'on refuse de rendre vrai (par devoir, peur, ambition, responsabilités, etc...). Souvent une passion, une envie vraie mais un peu folle. On peut la considérer comme un rêve frustré ou abandonné pour de bonnes ou mauvaises raisons. C'est un idéal souvent un peu sur valorisé auquel on pense avec regret et envie sans forcer le destin pour l'atteindre.
E su GoogleEarth apparve Atlantide: ecco l'animazione
Giustizia o guerra civile: la mia India a un bivio
E su GoogleEarth apparve Atlantide: ecco l'animazione
Giustizia o guerra civile: la mia India a un bivio
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Monday, February 16, 2009
La inmigración en España
Clandestins: cent réseaux démantelés
Immigration : des papiers pour ceux qui dénoncent les passeurs
Recuperados 21 cadáveres de la patera hundida ayer en Canarias
Clinton llega a Japón en su primer viaje oficial
Japón sufre el mayor retroceso de su economía en 35 años
En la mente de Murakami
Silent killers were just too quiet
Annie Leibovitz at National Portrait Gallery
Immigration : des papiers pour ceux qui dénoncent les passeurs
Recuperados 21 cadáveres de la patera hundida ayer en Canarias
Clinton llega a Japón en su primer viaje oficial
Japón sufre el mayor retroceso de su economía en 35 años
En la mente de Murakami
Silent killers were just too quiet
Annie Leibovitz at National Portrait Gallery
Friday, February 13, 2009
Thursday, February 12, 2009
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